Agri Local Dishes


    The most well-known dish of the province is Abdigor Meatballs. This meatball, which is common in Doğubeyazıt district, is similar to stuffed meatballs. It is the most delicious dish of our region. It is made from lean, boneless, boneless beef, a small amount of onion, an egg, and seasonings. Preparation: Fresh meat is beaten with a mallet on the stone until it takes the form of an ointment. The meat, which has become dough, is whisked by hand by adding onion and water. After being whipped, the meatballs, which are rested for an hour, are placed on rice and served.

    Gosteberg Meat


    Young lamb or kid meat


    Tomato paste


    mountain grass called Gosteberg

    Preparation of:

    After the young lamb or kid is slaughtered and swimming, it is cleaned and chopped. It is kneaded with butter and tomato paste. Finely chopped gosteberg herb is sprinkled on it. All this mixture is put into the hide of the same animal and the open parts are stitched. On a flat place, moist soil is piled up, and a hot fire is lit on this soil for an hour. After resting for a while, the post is opened and served.


    While scaling, it is first cooked in the form of slurry. Then the middle is opened like a pool and butter is put on it. Garlic yoghurt is poured around it. Due to the oil pool opened in the middle of the size, it is not divided into separate plates and is eaten from a single bowl.


    The dough prepared from wheat flour is rested for a while, rolled out thinly in the form of phyllo and cut into squares. After being boiled in boiling water, it is filtered and pulled into a tray. Garlic yoghurt or Hengel sauce, a local ingredient called Kurut, is crushed and served by pouring small onion pieces of roasted butter on it. It should be eaten without waiting and cooling.


    It is prepared with home cut noodles and green lentils. After the green lentils, which have been boiled before, are boiled and drained with noodles, potatoes are placed on the bottom of the oiled pot, and the lentil mixture is placed on it. Finally, hot oil is poured on it and the potatoes are cooked until they turn red. This dish, which is served upside down, is sometimes made with lavash bread instead of potatoes.


    First, cream is put in a pan and heated. Then, corn flour or wheat flour is added as much as possible and mixed continuously. A little water is poured and mixing is continued. Until the cream comes out of oil, it is ready to be eaten when the oil comes out.

    Pisi (Bishi) Erdek

    If desired, the dough, which is fermented with milk or water, is kneaded after waiting for a while, then rolled by hand until it reaches the size of a light bread.


    Hasuda is a sweet food. First, the syrup is prepared. A little flour is thrown into the syrup and whisked. Then, the oil is heated in the pan and the syrup we prepared is poured into it and mixed with flour. After cooking for 5-10 minutes, the hasuda is ready to be eaten.


    It is made ready to eat by boiling the dehulled wheat in water, adding ayran, and boiling it in mint and chopped zucchini.

    Input Kete

    The dough prepared from wheat flour is rested for a while, rolled out in the form of phyllo and a plant called çiriş, which grows in our region, is placed in it and cooked on a sheet. After resting for a while, butter is poured into it and eaten.


    After the dehulled wheat and rabbit meat are boiled in tile containers for hours without adding salt, it is made ready to eat by adding oil and salt on it.