Pain Geography



    The province was established at an altitude of 1640 m above sea level. The province, which gained importance with its location on the road connecting Anatolia with Iran, is surrounded by Iran in the east, Muş and Erzurum in the west, Kars in the north, Van and Bitlis in the south and Iğdır in the northeast. 46% of its land is mountainous areas, 29% plains, 18% plateaus and 7% plateaus. Its climate is cold and harsh in winters and hot and dry in summers.


    Plains and plains in Ağrı are generally bordered by faults (fractures) and mountains and therefore they are not wide enough. These plains, which are in the form of depression basins, were formed by the accumulation of soil. Ağrı Plain, Eleşkirt Plain, Patnos Plain, Doğubayazıt Plain and Tutak Plain are the leading plains. Forage crops, grain and sugar beet are cultivated in these plains, which are of great importance for agriculture and animal husbandry, which are the main income sources of the Ağrı economy. The plains outside the cultivation areas are also used as pasture.


    The mountains that make up a large part of Ağrı province are generally seen as mountain ranges. The mountains covering the province are seen as a continuation of the Alpine-Himalayan volcanic mountain system, in the east-west direction and in two branches. Great Ararat Mountain, which is the highest peak of Turkey and Europe, is within the borders of Doğubayazıt district and has a height of 5,137 meters. Small Ararat Mountain has a height of 3,896 meters. Mount Süphan, a part of which is within the borders of Patnos district, has a height of 4,049 meters. Kösedağ, which also gave the name of Ağrı for a period, has an important place with its height of 3,340 meters. Tendürek Mountain, located between Doğubayazıt and Çaldıran, is home to a crater lake with a height of 3,000 meters and a diameter of 400-500 meters, as well as its highest peak of 3,533 meters. Tendürek is also known as the most active volcano in Turkey. Bubi Mountain, which is about 18 km away from the center of Ağrı, is another important elevation.


    The largest river in Ağrı is Murat River, one of the main branches of the Euphrates River. The stream originating from Diyadin is formed by the merging of branches from Aladağ and Muratbaşı Mountain. After the Murat River passes through Diyadin Plain and receives the branches coming from the Eleşkirt region, it flows towards the southwest and reaches the Manzikert Plain.

    Icmeler and Hot Springs

    The province of Ağrı is rich in thermal springs and healing waters. The temperature of the thermal springs, especially in Diyadin district, reaches up to 75 degrees. Thermal springs, which proved to be good for many diseases in the analyzes made, have been put into the service of the public with the investments made by the private sector and the public. Thermal sources are also used for heating.


    The mountains and plains are bare due to the fact that it is a volcanic land, the rainfall is low and the temperature is very low. The natural vegetation of the province, which does not have forests, is generally steppes that look like high plateau steppes. The steppes are especially concentrated around the center of Ağrı, Eleşkirt district and the Upper Murat River.